1949年:來到台灣後發奮讀書考 進台大土木糸,也是糸中的高才生。台灣大學土木糸畢業,通過高等考試獲得專門職業及技術人員執業資格,(Technical Examination for Civil Engineer)慕諾瑪神學院(Multnomah School of the Bible)畢業生班畢業,加州州立大學企業管理碩士。
1959年 :在琉球沖繩島上成為遠東廣播公司宣教,並與兩位弟兄創立了琉球中華基督 教會。
1992年:創立「聰明好管家」講座,並在各州華人教會、退修會中舉行, 凡參加過的都深受幫助。林牧師是一位退而不休和熱愛中國的人。
1970年:被按立為牧師,林牧師曾任新加坡神學院管理學特約講師。為了幫助弟兄姊妹做神忠心的好管家,,在遠東廣播公司事奉的四十一年 中,曾任:建電台及錄音室工程師 日本琉球中、英、日文電台台長 香港執行主任, 新加坡執行主任,開創美國的遠東廣播公司中國福音事工部,並任執行主 任十二年。
2000年:故於退休前就與黃繼臨弟兄開創了「主愛協會」,並任「主愛協會」董事會主席之職,專以中國事工、網絡 、講座與音樂為事工的目標。
2002年:7月份,林牧師息去勞苦主懷安息 。
林牧師為人謙和,滿有智慧和信心、是一位有神異象與遠見的事奉者,更難得的是,他一直忠心地遵照神的感動去實行。他和師母張嘉禎姊妹結婚共四十五年(進醫院的第二 天是他們的結婚記念日)兩人一直同心同工事奉主。他們共有三個孩子,存智、存慧、 存恩,和一位乾女兒麗玲,並有四個孫兒女。
本立是我最親愛的丈夫和我至好的朋友。六十八年的生活中,四十五年形影不離,一齊 同心同工,一齊經過試煉和喜樂。我們很少有分開的日子,最長也只有一個月,也就是 他回台灣侍候他九十多歲的父親那一段日子。我知道他非常愛我,因為第一個想到的總 是我(除了主之外),對我多方體貼和鼓勵,現在主召他回家,使我的確感到傍徨失措 。我不能想像沒有他的日子!但我知主要我單單仰望祂。
我將繼續他的異象,雖然他不在,願神繼續使用我 .
知道你病了,匆匆忙忙的跑到美國去看你 ,一下飛機,直衝病房,只是那躺在病床 上的真的是你嗎?
三天短暫的停留,我每天守候在醫院中, 我所能做的只是每隔一小時進入隔離加護 病房時,為你讀經、為你禱告、為你哼唱 詩歌。除此以外,我只能眼睜睜的看著你 ,生怕你會從我眼前消失不見。但是,每 次看到你躺在那兒,我仍然忍不住會問自 己:「那躺在病床上的真的是你嗎?」
我知道那不是你,困在那兒的只是你的身 體──那必朽壞、必消失的身體。但是, 那不朽壞的、那永不會死亡的生命卻仍然 燦爛、仍然一天新似一天。
如今你終於完全脫離了病痛的纏繞捆綁,回到天家,回到榮耀的釋放恩典之中。哥哥! 好好的休息吧!主知道你太辛苦了,好好的休息吧!
三天短暫的停留,我每天守候在醫院中, 我所能做的只是每隔一小時進入隔離加護 病房時,為你讀經、為你禱告、為你哼唱 詩歌。除此以外,我只能眼睜睜的看著你 ,生怕你會從我眼前消失不見。但是,每 次看到你躺在那兒,我仍然忍不住會問自 己:「那躺在病床上的真的是你嗎?」
我知道那不是你,困在那兒的只是你的身 體──那必朽壞、必消失的身體。但是, 那不朽壞的、那永不會死亡的生命卻仍然 燦爛、仍然一天新似一天。
如今你終於完全脫離了病痛的纏繞捆綁,回到天家,回到榮耀的釋放恩典之中。哥哥! 好好的休息吧!主知道你太辛苦了,好好的休息吧!
親愛的大哥,知您已被主接去,心中有那麼多那麼多的不捨,但我知您現已息了地上的 工作,安睡在主懷裡。您比我大八歲,從小您總是讓著我,後來您到台北讀大學,每逢 暑假回家,您總是不厭其煩的把基督的愛向我們述說,記得您第一次唱給我聽的歌是「 何等恩友」。因著您的愛,二哥、我和爸媽都蒙恩信主了,您的愛,
I remember my dad as someone who modeled his life after Jesus. Since I was the oldest, my dad wanted to make sure that I would be ready for the "real" world. As soon as I was old enough, he encouraged me to get a job delivering newspapers in our neighborhood. I remember how excited I was when I received my first paycheck and bought my first "chopper" bike which was all the rage at the time. I learned from my dad the value of hard work and always doing your best. He used to always say that "there's no such thing as a free lunch". I had a hard time believing that because he always provided for the family and it certainly was "free" for me. I hope to instill the same values in my two daughters that my dad has shown me. He has been a great grandpa for Danni and Brandi who are so happy to be able to sleep in a custom bunkbed built by him. He wanted to make sure that they felt at home whenever they came to visit. Play a great game of golf dad and hit a long drive for me. I love you.
Jim—Oldest Son
Jim—Oldest Son
Daddy was full of smiles and love for everyone! I was Daddy's little girl, and he always treated me like a princess. My dad took good care of me and helped me to become the person I am today. He guided me and shared his wisdom with me. He gave me my life's verse: Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. My dad was an example of servanthood. His main goal in life was to serve God. The Lord provided me with such a wonderful and loving dad. He has also been the most loving and fun "Papa" to his grandchildren. Michael and Jaclyn will have fond memories of their Papa. I will treasure the moments we had together. I'll love you forever Daddy.
It has been a true blessing from the Lord to have John as my father-in-law. The love of Christ was certainly evident in his life. He very much had a servant-like attitude. He always put the needs of others ahead of his own needs. He had a great love of life and a great love of Christ. Since I've known him, he has always been generous to me beyond what I could ever ask for. He loved his family very much and did whatever he could to take care of them. My fondest memory of him is his great smile. I really liked his smile and will always cherish it. He introduced me to the game of golf, and I enjoyed playing golf with him. He most certainly raised a beautiful and caring daughter whom I love tremendously. He took care of his daughter to the end, and dad, I will take good care of your daughter to my very end. Thank you for all that you have done for Becky and me. I love you.
Frank—Son in Law
It has been a true blessing from the Lord to have John as my father-in-law. The love of Christ was certainly evident in his life. He very much had a servant-like attitude. He always put the needs of others ahead of his own needs. He had a great love of life and a great love of Christ. Since I've known him, he has always been generous to me beyond what I could ever ask for. He loved his family very much and did whatever he could to take care of them. My fondest memory of him is his great smile. I really liked his smile and will always cherish it. He introduced me to the game of golf, and I enjoyed playing golf with him. He most certainly raised a beautiful and caring daughter whom I love tremendously. He took care of his daughter to the end, and dad, I will take good care of your daughter to my very end. Thank you for all that you have done for Becky and me. I love you.
Frank—Son in Law
I have been so blessed to have a father like my dad. He has always been there for me, even though sometimes we were separated by distance. I have relied on his advice and mentoring throughout the years. He has always guided me in my education, my career, and even my finances! I remember when I lost my job after 8 years, my dad and my mom
came right over to pray with me, and to reassure me that God was in control and would take care of me. He was definitely right! I have been so lucky to grow up in a loving Christian home, with such loving parents. I am so proud of my dad and what he has accomplished during his life. He has been an example to me in how he served God with over 40 years in the ministry. I know that many people around the world have been touched by him, and know the Lord because of him.
I will miss him terribly but I'm also happy he is in heaven with our Lord and Savior, and will one day see him again. I love you Daddy!
Peter—Youngest Son
came right over to pray with me, and to reassure me that God was in control and would take care of me. He was definitely right! I have been so lucky to grow up in a loving Christian home, with such loving parents. I am so proud of my dad and what he has accomplished during his life. He has been an example to me in how he served God with over 40 years in the ministry. I know that many people around the world have been touched by him, and know the Lord because of him.
I will miss him terribly but I'm also happy he is in heaven with our Lord and Savior, and will one day see him again. I love you Daddy!
Peter—Youngest Son
He always introduced me as "our daughter from Singapore". Rev Lin was a mentor, a friend and a father to me. When I first joined the Far East Broadcasting Company in Singapore 17 years ago, he taught me how to write, how to organize special events and meetings, how to study the Bible. He was an inspiring and patient teacher. Most of all, I've benefited and learned from his graciousness, his generosity of spirit and his humility. I believe he leaves me and so many others an enduring legacy of what it means to be a decent human being. I will miss him dearly.